At South Florida Spine & Sports Specialists, you can rest assured that you have come to the right place. We pride ourselves in understanding our patients as a whole and offer the latest diagnostic and treatment options which are tailored to your individual needs. Our dedicated and compassionate team members are here for you and all your medical questions. Our board-certified, experienced, and highly sought after physicians are passionate about helping you become whole again.
Treatment is always individual and tailored to each patient’s needs. Beyond physical therapy, medication, and bracing, additional minimally invasive treatments include: Discograms, Disc Nucleoplasty, Facet Joint Injections, Medial Branch Blocks, and much more
This includes treatment for the shoulder, elbow, hand & wrist, hip, knee, and foot & ankle Treatment is always individual and tailored to each patient’s needs. Beyond physical therapy, medication, and bracing, additional minimally invasive treatments offered under direct ultrasound guidance
“Beautiful place, appointments are on time. Dr. Fishman takes time to explain in as much detail as you need. My procedure was such a success it changed my life for the better. Highly recommend a consult with this office before making any spine procedure decisions.”
-Jr Annis
“I have been using this office and both doctors for almost 2 years . Dr Fishman has used a procedure ( non advasive ) to help alleviate loweback pain. I did this procedure and am 70% better. Doctor Romero works with my legs and Knees. These a the 2 most caring and professional doctors I have had in years. The staff are kind and respectful. I would travel near and far for them.
I am lucky to have such an Incredible team.”
-Rachel Boyd
“Dr. Fishman is so caring and compassionate. He remembers me even if I haven’t been to see him in more than a year. He explains everything in detail, but most importantly he relieves my pain!”
-Connie Hull